The Avatamsaka Sūtra

History  -  Literature  -  Thought

Chinese Language Study

  • Chinese Language 001-Reading and Writing Chinese Characters

  • Chinese Language 002-Pronouncing Characters in Mandarin

  • Chinese Language 003-Textbook-Beginner’s Chinese


Course Completed

My Instructor’s Page at CCACE


Chinese Language - Fall, 2021

Reading and Writing Chinese Characters - COMPLETED

Pronouncing Chinese Characters in Mandarin - Class Complete

Just Completed

Buddhist Studies - Fall, 2021

We  finished reading

Bhikkhu Bodhi’s 2016 book,


The Buddha’s Teachings on Social and Communal Harmony


Course completed Nov. 3, 2021

Our new Lotus Sutra page —>

Click HERE

What is the San zi jing 三字經 ?

Here’s a LINK to our April 29 Newsletter notice about Academy Award-winning director Chloé Zhao’s reference to the San zi jing.

Buddhist Studies

“Reading the Heart Sutra” Class

March 25 - April 29, 2021

Jin shu Studies

Research and Translation of the  

Chinese Historical Text, Jin shu 晉 書

(History of the Jin Dynasty)

Persian Poetry

Daode jing 道德經 Studies

Materials from “Reading the Tao-te ching” class at Village University fall, 2020.

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